Monday, 10 October 2016


शक्या सीता समा नारी प्राप्तुम् लोके विचिन्वता |
न लक्ष्मण समो भ्राता सचिवह् साम्परायिकः || ६-४९-६
6. shakyaa = It can be possible; vichinvataa = if I were to look for her; (to find); naarii = a consort; siitaasamaa = equal to Seetha; martyaloke = in the world of mortals; na = but not;bhraataa = a brother; sachivaH = a friend; saamparaayikaH = and a comrade in a hostile war; lakSmaNaH samaH = such as Lakshmana.
"It can be possible, if I were to look for her, to find a consort equal to Seetha in this world of mortals but not a brother, a friend and a comrade in a hostile war, such as Lakshmana!"

परित्यक्ष्याम्य् अहम् प्राणान् वानराणाम् तु पश्यताम् |
यदि पन्चत्वम् आपन्नह् सुमित्र आनन्द वर्धनः || ६-४९-७
7. aapannaH yadi = If he has returned; paNchatvam = to the five elements; sumitraananda vardhanaH = he; the increaser of Sumitra's joy; aham = I; parityakSyaami = will yield up;praaNaan = my life-breaths; vaanaraNaam = (while) the monkeys; pashyataam = stand looking on.
"If Lakshmana returned to the five elements, he the increaser of Sumitra's joy, I will yield up my life-breaths while the monkeys stand looking on."

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