Monday, 10 October 2016

Saving Demons

लक्ष्मणस्तु सुसङ्क्रुद्धो भ्रातरं वाक्यमब्रवीत् |
ब्राह्ममस्त्रं प्रयोक्ष्यामि वधार्थं सर्वरक्षसाम् || ६-८०-३७
37. tataH = then; lakShmaNastu = Lakshmana for his part; kruddhaH = was enraged; abraviit = and spoke; vaakyam = the following words; bhraataram = to his brother; prayokShyaami = I will employ; braahmam astram = the missile presided over by Brahama; vadhaartham = for the purpose of killing; sarva raakShasaam = all the demons.
Then, Lakshmana for his part was enraged and told his brother that he would employ the missile presided over by Brahma for the purpose of killing all the demons.
तमुवाच ततो रामो लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम् |
नैकस्य हेतो रक्षांसि पृथिव्यां हन्तुमर्हसि || ६-८०-३८
38. tataH = then; raamaH = Rama; uvaacha = spoke; tam lakShmaNam = to that Lakshmana; shubhalakShaNam = who was endowed with auspicious bodily marks; (as follows); na arhasi = you ought not; hantum = to kill; rakShaamsi = all the demons; pR^ithivyaam = on the earth; ekasya hetoH = for the sake of a single demons.
Then, Rama spoke to that Lakshmana, who was endowed with auspicious bodily marks as follows: "You ought not to kill all the demons on earth, merely for the sake of a single demon."


शरैर् इमाव् अलम् विद्धौ रुधिरेण समुक्षितौ |
वसुधायाम् इम सुप्तौ दृश्येते शल्यकाव् इव || ६-५०-१७
17. imau = these two (Rama and Lakshmana) viddhau = struck; alam = badly; sharaiH = by arrows; samukSitau = covered; rudhireNa = with blood; suptau = and lying; vasudhaayaam = on the earth; dR^ishyete = are appearing; shalyakaaviva = like two porcupines.
Vibhishana "These two warriors, Rama and Lakshmana, who were struck badly by arrows and covered with blood are lying on the earth, like two porcupines."


विससर्ज एक वेगेन पन्च बाण शतानि यः |
इष्व् अस्त्रेष्व् अधिकस् तस्मात् कार्तवीर्याच् च लक्ष्मणः || ६-४९-२०
20. yaH = he who; visasarja = was able to loose; paNcha baaNa shataani = five hundred arrows; eka vegena = in one shot; tasmaat = such; lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; adhikaH = was surpassing; kaartaviiryaat cha = Kartavirya himself; iSvastreSu = in the science of archery.
"Lakshmana, who was able to loose five hundred arrows in one shot, was surpassing kartavirya himself in the science of archery."


शक्या सीता समा नारी प्राप्तुम् लोके विचिन्वता |
न लक्ष्मण समो भ्राता सचिवह् साम्परायिकः || ६-४९-६
6. shakyaa = It can be possible; vichinvataa = if I were to look for her; (to find); naarii = a consort; siitaasamaa = equal to Seetha; martyaloke = in the world of mortals; na = but not;bhraataa = a brother; sachivaH = a friend; saamparaayikaH = and a comrade in a hostile war; lakSmaNaH samaH = such as Lakshmana.
"It can be possible, if I were to look for her, to find a consort equal to Seetha in this world of mortals but not a brother, a friend and a comrade in a hostile war, such as Lakshmana!"

परित्यक्ष्याम्य् अहम् प्राणान् वानराणाम् तु पश्यताम् |
यदि पन्चत्वम् आपन्नह् सुमित्र आनन्द वर्धनः || ६-४९-७
7. aapannaH yadi = If he has returned; paNchatvam = to the five elements; sumitraananda vardhanaH = he; the increaser of Sumitra's joy; aham = I; parityakSyaami = will yield up;praaNaan = my life-breaths; vaanaraNaam = (while) the monkeys; pashyataam = stand looking on.
"If Lakshmana returned to the five elements, he the increaser of Sumitra's joy, I will yield up my life-breaths while the monkeys stand looking on."

Friday, 7 October 2016


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