Friday 5 January 2018


"Lakshmana is a superb example of the attitude of surrender. When Rama, Sita and Lakshmana went to forest and reached Chitrakoot, Rama told Lakshmana, 'I am feeling tired and Sita too is tired. It is better we stay here for some time. So, I would like you to put up a cottage in which we can stay for a longer duration, if necessary for the whole period often years. You can put the cottage in any place of your choice.'

Hearing these words, Lakshmana felt hurt and bent down his head with grief. Noting this, Sita asked Lakshmana, 'Why are you perturbed, Lakshmana? Your brother did not speak anything harsh. Why do you feel so?' Lakshmana said, 'Have I ever had any choice of my own? I left my mother, wife and all comforts of life and accompanied you both to serve. I have surrendered myself to Rama. Where is the question of my choice? The command of Rama is what I want to carry out. While so, how can I withstand the impact of Rama asking me to put up the cottage at a place of my choice?' Rama realised the sacred feelings of Lakshmana and true attitude of his surrender and pointed out the site himself." Sai Baba, SS, 1/99, p. 25

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